WORKSHOP SERIES conducted by Seçil Uğur Yavuz and Alastair Fuad-Luke, together with BITZ Fablab.
Co-e-knitting workshop series aimed at answering the following questions: How can we make e-textiles and ‘soft-circuits’ easier to make? How can we encourage useful applications of e-textiles and ‘soft-circuits’ to meet real needs?
We started the project by designing a set of simple knitting tools (lucets) by laser-cutting and 3D printing and designed a complementary card set that helps non-experts to combine knitted structures with conductive yarns and simple electronic circuits in order to create smart wearables. We conducted three workshops in BITZ Unibz FabLab, Bolzano, Italy. The first two workshops, with Bachelors and Masters students and researchers, were used to develop the right tools and methods for creating soft-knitted circuits. Then, the public was invited to participate in the third workshop, during which six wearable technology conceptual prototypes were developed.

Here you can download the info sheet
Date: March-May, 2018